Saturday, July 10, 2010

one thing at one day

there's so many things come today. and I would like to share it with you guys, because I really want to post something. but maybe this just several thing because I can't remember as well. okay, here we go!

one sweet message
this message came this morning from someone IDKH :) here it is.

sahabat itu kayak SAMPOERNA IJO, "ga ada loe ga rame!"
juga ga jauh beda ama FRUITTEA, "seru buat seru"an!"
sahabat juga bikin kita kea MIZONE yang "be 100%"
kalo udah ama sahabat, kita bisa kea XL, "segala-galanya, segila-gilanya"
dengan sahabat, hidup terasa seperti BENGBENG, "asyik berat!"
pokoknya kea CHITATO deh, "life is never flat"

one free-asking ticket
mbak lulun sent me this from phone message this morning too. its function is for asking the truth from the sender, dalam rangka ga penting luar biasa.

one funny message
I got it from Lidya. it's really funny! here it is.

suatu hari ada seorang gadis diperkosa di tengah hutan. ia pulang dan menangis. ia bilang pada ibunya, "bu, aku telah diperkosa... aku kotor..." dan ibunya berkata, "ga apa-apa, nak! berani kotor itu baik! kan ada rinso!"


one crucial question
mbak lulun asked me this question because I gave her a free-asking ticket.

"lagi suka anak AU, ya? siapa?"

God... it's difficult to answer it. and the answer is... pokoke! mau tau adjaaahhh!!! hehehe... (secret, secret)

one favorite song
I said favorite song because it sings in my ear all the time. the title is Found Out About You by Emily Osment.

one trouble-maker brother
he's really annoying today, yesterday, a day before...

one wish
I wish I could meet *piiiiip* as soon as possible! I miss you!!!

one thing I really want today
I really want ice cream!

that's all. enough, okay? I don't know what else I can write here :P

written from the deepest mind,
Dita D. Palupi


  1. hahaahahahahah aku suka sms yg kotor itu loooooo :D loocoo loocoo (lucu)

  2. Heh!! kuw juga punya sms yang tentang sahabat itu... dari itu ya "g" cos kuw kirim ke dy jga heheheh.. Sotoy mode on
